Vulva Cancer, Diagnosis/Treatment and HPV

Vulva Cancer and HPV

Vulva Cancer Epidemiology and Discussion of the Cause Factors

Vulva cancer is a rare disease that composes the 4% of the women genital cancers. It is seen more frequently in older women. However, as detailed below, its onset age is gradually lowering. At least there is such a trend according to the American data. Unfortunately there are no comprehensive data in our country.

While in 90% of the patients with vulva cancer diagnosis, squamous cell cancers are seen, also melanomas, adenocancers, basal cell cancers and sarcomas are rarely seen. In 2009, ın a study made considering the American Cancer Statistics, it is found that in last 30 years especially the in situ cancer frequency increased greatly however the invasive cancer rates also have increased in a lesser degree ( Clara Bodelon, Margaret M. Madeleine, Lynda F. Voigt et al. Is the incidence of invasive vulvar cancer increasing in the United States? Cancer Causes Control. 2009; 20(9): 1779–1782. )

In between 1973-1980 1163 in situ vulva cancer cases are seen whereas in between 1997-2004 4270 patients are detected. You can see the statistical table of the research at following link. (

In young women VIN increase (please read the detailed section on the site) and the in situ and invasive cancer increase in the recent years has been linked to the HPV infection fundamentally, as the relation between VIN and Invasive vulva cancer is not so clear and it is not as powerful as the relation between cervical cancer and HPV virus, the factors leading to this increase is still needed to be explained.

06 Eylül 2017 tarihinde Prof. Dr. Süleyman Engin Akhan tarafından yayınlanmış ve 20 Kasım 2018 tarihinde de son güncelleme yapılmıştır.


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